Friday, June 29, 2007

Dewdrops and Lightening

Job 36:27-33
For He draws up drops of water, which distill as rain from the mist,
Which the clouds drop down and pour abundantly on man.
Indeed, can anyone understand the spreading of clouds,
The thunder from His canopy?
Look, He scatters His light upon it, and covers the depths of the sea.
For by these He judges the peoples; He gives food in abundance.
He covers His hands with lightning, and commands it to strike.
His thunder declares it, the cattle also, concerning the rising storm.

Step back and see the big picture! He controls the life-cycles of the earth. He draws up the dewdrops evaporating into the clouds. They form a giant canopy that charged with light resounds thundering as the rain returns to earth. We accept the cycles as part of growth and life; both good and bad. Why then, do we question His goodness when arrows pierce our hearts?
Job’s answer was full of trust, “shall we accept good from God . . . and not adversity?” Do we only trust Him when everything is going our way? Is our confidence limited to what we see or feel? He’s the one who controls life. He knows what He is doing. He has the big picture in His powerful hands. You can trust Him with your life, your struggles, your dreams, your defeats, your joys, your sorrows. He will hold you in the palm of His hand. He will do what is best for you.

The way the thunder shakes the earth,
Lightning strikes and shouts Your worth.
The way the seasons come to pass
Shows my heart Your faithfulness.
The way the morning star returns.
The way a fire burns.

(The Way, Paul Baloche)

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